In 1960, pioneering American artists Sol LeWitt and Eva Hesse met for the first time and instantly clicked, quickly forming a strong, deep bond that would last for ten years and result in countless inspirational discussions and rich exchanges of ideas. Indeed, they remained incredibly close friends until May of 1970, at which point Hesse, …
Diebenkorn’s Notes to Himself
The following list was found among the papers of the painter Richard Diebenkorn after his death in 1993. Spelling and capitalization are as in the original. Notes to myself on beginning a painting 1. attempt what is not certain. Certainty may or may not come later. It may then be a valuable delusion. 2. The …
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Tracking the Gaze
Art 21 by Michael Neault | Jan 7, 2013 Ilya Repin, “Unexpected Visitors” (or “They Did Not Expect Him”), 1884-1888. Oil on canvas. 63.19 x 65.95 in. The Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia. When you approach a painting in a gallery, it feels like you’re looking at the entire piece all at once, but what your …
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The Inner Critic
Painting above: Xue Wang, Uninvited Guest I can’t believe some of the shit my brain says. I wouldn’t let anyone talk to me the way I talk to myself when I try to paint. I pretend the voice is coming from a person who is standing in the room. I can’t help but laugh …