Our printmaking instructor Nikki Barber has been printing posters in her basement for protest rallies and marches. “I feel responsible to stand up for my friends who are Black and my friends who are Brown, since I white-pass so easily, but am not white.” Nikki has been active in the social, political, and art in …
I have a guest V. Note today from our printmaking instructor Nikki Barber. Back in April 2020, Nikki interviewed Sam Davidson, of Davidson Galleries in Seattle. Nikki asked Sam about his favorite works in the Davidson collection. This is a delightful interview about a variety of printmaking artists around the globe, with interesting work I …
Instructors at the League are encouraged to take each other’s classes. It is a fun way for us to continue our learning, get new ideas, and stay connected with each other. Shruti Ghatak has been taking all the League classes she can, and evidently she sketches our portraits while we are teaching. Ghatak received her …
Gallery hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Evening hours: Tuesday and Wednesday from 5-7 PM Admission is free. The M. Rosetta Hunter Art Gallery is located at the north end of Seattle Central’s Atrium Cafeteria in the main campus building at the corner of Broadway and Pine. The art …