You are now in the second half of our 30 day creative challenge. Did you see the post with some of my favorites from the first 2 weeks? Don’t miss them! If you see yours in there, contact us to claim your $50 gift certificate.
Today’s creative challenge: What do you do when you’re not doing very well? Draw a bad day with your vices.
A note for those of you who are afraid you’ll go too far: art history is full of scary, nasty, ugly, and sexy things. That might be when it’s at it’s best.
Share what you’d like on Instagram with these tags: #30sal, #vices
Before there were art supply stores, people made art. Before there were pencils, there were sharpened mineral rocks. Before there were brushes there were clumps of grass and twigs and fur. Today’s drawing is “No Art Store Tools.” You can use paper, but no pencils. Ink is fine, but no pens. So what now? Lots! Use your hands, use your feet. …
While I was searching for rabbits yesterday I found a rabbit by Lucian Freud, and this Sleeping Cat. I’d seen neither of these before, and thought they were sweet. So unrecognizable as Freuds! Both were made in 1944, when Freud was 22. [image_with_animation image_url=”8842″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”][image_with_animation image_url=”8829″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”]
Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative, chance-based drawing game invented by the Surrealists in the mid 1920s. Traditionally, each participant draws an image on part of a sheet of paper, folds the paper to conceal their work, and passes it on to the next player for their contribution. This is a modern version, with the entries …
Pop Quiz: Can you identify the painting above? [image_with_animation image_url=”2941″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In” delay=”6000 Answer: It’s the lower portion of Susan Rothenberg’s “Butterfly” (1976). Seattle Artist League: art school, art classes, painting classes, figure drawing.
Day 17: Vices #30SAL
You are now in the second half of our 30 day creative challenge. Did you see the post with some of my favorites from the first 2 weeks? Don’t miss them! If you see yours in there, contact us to claim your $50 gift certificate.
Today’s creative challenge: What do you do when you’re not doing very well? Draw a bad day with your vices.
A note for those of you who are afraid you’ll go too far: art history is full of scary, nasty, ugly, and sexy things. That might be when it’s at it’s best.
Share what you’d like on Instagram with these tags: #30sal, #vices
Or post to today’s Padlet page.
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