Helen Rae (1938-2020) “Her drawings, in colored pencil and graphite, are immediately striking for their vivid imagery, resonant use of color and innovative reworking of source material. Using fashion advertisements as a point of departure for otherworldly journeys into the subconscious, Helen transforms the original images into something uniquely expressive, which possess a strange beauty and power.” (tierradelsolgallery)
I happened upon this glorious Instagram post, in which Alex Kanevsky compliments a “beautifully painted boob.” The most beautifully painted boob in the world belonged to the Benefit Supervisor sleeping …
Alan Saret is an American sculptor, draftsman, and installation artist, best known for his Postminimalism wire sculptures and drawings. Saret was born in 1944, and is currently living and working …
December 24, 2008 Heard on All Things Considered JOSHUA BROCKMAN Fritz Scholder broke almost every rule there was for an American Indian artist. He combined pop art with abstract expressionism. …
Colored Pencil Drawings by Helen Rae
Helen Rae (1938-2020)
“Her drawings, in colored pencil and graphite, are immediately striking for their vivid imagery, resonant use of color and innovative reworking of source material. Using fashion advertisements as a point of departure for otherworldly journeys into the subconscious, Helen transforms the original images into something uniquely expressive, which possess a strange beauty and power.” (tierradelsolgallery)
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