[image_with_animation image_url=”9378″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Preparing for my mini workshop “Paint like Cezanne,” I ran across this work by Joel Meyerowitz, a photographer who documented still life objects of famous painters, particularly Cezanne and Morandi. Meyerowitz’ photographs are handsome recordings of plain yet interesting objects. Unlike the painters who assemble compositions, Meyerowitz framed each …
Humans are wired to see faces, even in inanimate objects. It’s called Pareidolia. Pareidolia is the tendency for seeing faces in inanimate objects like the moon, clouds, ink blots, or abstract patterns. Pareidolia used to be considered a symptom of human psychosis, but it is now seen as a normal human tendency. We are so …
Welcome to day 4 of our 30 Day Creative Challenge! This is a composition day in our 30 Day Challenge. Here’s an exercise that improves your compositions, without you even thinking about composition. It worked for Diebenkorn! The primary challenge is to respond to the creative prompts in these posts, and see what happens. The …
Alice Neel: “My analyst said to me, ‘Why is it so important to be honest in art?’ I said, ‘It’s not so important, it’s just a privilege.’” – Quote provided by Suzanne Walker, BA, MA, PhD, BFD …From the upcoming lecture on Portraiture After Photography – part of our ongoing WTF Art History Lecture series with Suzanne Walker …
Sunday Comic by Stefan Enriquez
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Cezanne’s Objects
[image_with_animation image_url=”9378″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Preparing for my mini workshop “Paint like Cezanne,” I ran across this work by Joel Meyerowitz, a photographer who documented still life objects of famous painters, particularly Cezanne and Morandi. Meyerowitz’ photographs are handsome recordings of plain yet interesting objects. Unlike the painters who assemble compositions, Meyerowitz framed each …
30SAL Challenge: Googly Eyes on Things
Humans are wired to see faces, even in inanimate objects. It’s called Pareidolia. Pareidolia is the tendency for seeing faces in inanimate objects like the moon, clouds, ink blots, or abstract patterns. Pareidolia used to be considered a symptom of human psychosis, but it is now seen as a normal human tendency. We are so …
30SAL Challenge: Pathways
Welcome to day 4 of our 30 Day Creative Challenge! This is a composition day in our 30 Day Challenge. Here’s an exercise that improves your compositions, without you even thinking about composition. It worked for Diebenkorn! The primary challenge is to respond to the creative prompts in these posts, and see what happens. The …
WTF? Alice Neel on honesty in art
Alice Neel: “My analyst said to me, ‘Why is it so important to be honest in art?’ I said, ‘It’s not so important, it’s just a privilege.’” – Quote provided by Suzanne Walker, BA, MA, PhD, BFD …From the upcoming lecture on Portraiture After Photography – part of our ongoing WTF Art History Lecture series with Suzanne Walker …