One year ago, to protect our students and teachers from a new coronavirus, the Seattle Artist League moved our classes online. Four days after we offered our first zoom class, the virus was declared a national emergency, and we went into quarantine. We have now been in quarantine for twelve months.
As the paroxysm of wretched news continued, we met each other online and drew, painted, and printed together. In a time of isolation, it was good to see each other’s faces. New teachers and students – now free to teach and take classes anywhere in the world – came to join us. In the last year, the League has grown in numbers, and our artistic voice as a school has evolved.
We started working with Special Guest Star Fran O’Neill when she visited us in February 2020, and Fran was one of our first distant online instructors. Having just moved from New York, she joined us from Australia.
This is the first of a series of posts showcasing artwork produced through this pandemic: our one year anniversary of online classes. Throughout this terrible year, we have shared some beautiful moments.
These artworks are borrowed from classes. Instead of viewing them as finished works, we hope you will appreciate the excitement of these experimental works in process.
Ann O.
Ann N.
This is one in a series of posts showcasing art produced during the last year in quarantine. More to come!
Happy New Year, and welcome to the first day of our 30 day challenge! For this first project, we’ll have you warm up and introduce yourself with a delightfully odd …
In Friday’s post I bragged about the drawings created in my recent Painterly Figures with Tone class. The earlier post shared how beautiful a drawing can be when the figure …
Have you ever gone shopping for easels and found the options of fall-apart folding easels vs. expensive hardwood calliopes, and thought “what the heck do artists buy?” The answer might …
[image_with_animation image_url=”9047″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] John Singer Sargent’s portrait of Eleanora Duse When looking at John Singer Sargent’s “effortless” portraits, I often wonder how long he actually spent on …
Online Anniversary Show: Fran O’Neill, Part 1
One year ago, to protect our students and teachers from a new coronavirus, the Seattle Artist League moved our classes online. Four days after we offered our first zoom class, the virus was declared a national emergency, and we went into quarantine. We have now been in quarantine for twelve months.
As the paroxysm of wretched news continued, we met each other online and drew, painted, and printed together. In a time of isolation, it was good to see each other’s faces. New teachers and students – now free to teach and take classes anywhere in the world – came to join us. In the last year, the League has grown in numbers, and our artistic voice as a school has evolved.
We started working with Special Guest Star Fran O’Neill when she visited us in February 2020, and Fran was one of our first distant online instructors. Having just moved from New York, she joined us from Australia.
This is the first of a series of posts showcasing artwork produced through this pandemic: our one year anniversary of online classes. Throughout this terrible year, we have shared some beautiful moments.
These artworks are borrowed from classes. Instead of viewing them as finished works, we hope you will appreciate the excitement of these experimental works in process.
This is one in a series of posts showcasing art produced during the last year in quarantine. More to come!
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