This is our last post in our list of Faves from the 30 Day Challenge. We received hundreds of creations throughout the month.
The next 30SAL post will include prizes and awards for our tip pics, and special recognition for the artists who completed all 30.
Below are some of our favorites from the last few days….
Dynamic vs Static Composition
This turned out to be a horse race.
Mimi Boothby
Elizabeth Mitchell
Disembodied thirsty arms, they got to me.
Emma Nadolny
Sol LeWitt #328
Hooglin Lili
Maura O’Neill (TP + phone = resourceful)
Delores Haugland (again, resourceful)
Well, this is where I live…
Entries for this were in two categories: a densely cluttered space, and everything else.
Delores Haugland
Camille Ireland
Gil Mendez
Karen Bell
Tress Connolly
Karl Dyer
S Enriquez
Novel View
This idea for a creative challenge was posted by Karen Bell: Capture a spot in your home you’ve looked at a thousand times but see it anew from an unusual vantage point.
Karl Dyer
As an alternative to the creative challenge posted every day, there was an open invitation to create a comic about 2020, but then 2020 leaked into 2021, and there wasn’t much energy for it. We did have one post, though, from Cheryl Chudyk. This is from January 30, after a string of bad police incidents in the news. The second panel is referring to an incident locally, in which a Tacoma police officer drove his car through a crowd of people. It was a tough month, and a tough year.
Cheryl Chudyk
Thank you again to everyone who contributed artwork this January. It was a lot of fun to see what you all came up with! Our next 30SAL Challenge post will award prizes to the top contributions of the month.
In early 1918 John Singer Sargent was commissioned by the British War Memorials Committee to document the war. Sargent originally thought he’d paint about the gallantry of soldiers, but after visiting the Western Front and seeing a field hospital full of soldiers who had been exposed to mustard gas, he changed his plans. The high society painter who …
[image_with_animation image_url=”10089″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Draw or print 15 squares. For each square you are allowed only 3 lines (or circles or points). You can start anywhere in the square. When you lift your pen from the paper, that’s the end of your line. You have to stop when you touch a side of the …
“I remember when my Dad told me as a kid, ‘If you want to catch a rabbit, stand behind a tree and make a noise like a carrot. Then when the rabbit comes by you grab him.’ Works pretty good until you try to figure out what kind of noise a carrot makes…” – Bob …
Notations A multi-media art show about migration, music, health, and family. Lucy Garnett seeks to understand the themes of migration, music, health, and family by breaking them down and rebuilding them into sculpture, print, painting, and installation. Reception: Saturday Dec 14, 5-8pmOn display: December 14, 2019 – end of March 2020Open: Monday through Friday, 8-5pmShow …
30SAL Faves: Week 4, Part 2
This is our last post in our list of Faves from the 30 Day Challenge. We received hundreds of creations throughout the month.
The next 30SAL post will include prizes and awards for our tip pics, and special recognition for the artists who completed all 30.
Below are some of our favorites from the last few days….
Dynamic vs Static Composition
This turned out to be a horse race.
Disembodied thirsty arms, they got to me.
Sol LeWitt #328
(TP + phone = resourceful)
(again, resourceful)
Well, this is where I live…
Entries for this were in two categories: a densely cluttered space, and everything else.
Novel View
This idea for a creative challenge was posted by Karen Bell: Capture a spot in your home you’ve looked at a thousand times but see it anew from an unusual vantage point.
As an alternative to the creative challenge posted every day, there was an open invitation to create a comic about 2020, but then 2020 leaked into 2021, and there wasn’t much energy for it. We did have one post, though, from Cheryl Chudyk. This is from January 30, after a string of bad police incidents in the news. The second panel is referring to an incident locally, in which a Tacoma police officer drove his car through a crowd of people. It was a tough month, and a tough year.
Thank you again to everyone who contributed artwork this January. It was a lot of fun to see what you all came up with! Our next 30SAL Challenge post will award prizes to the top contributions of the month.
Coming soon: Portrait Award winners!
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John Singer Sargent’s “Gassed” 1919
In early 1918 John Singer Sargent was commissioned by the British War Memorials Committee to document the war. Sargent originally thought he’d paint about the gallantry of soldiers, but after visiting the Western Front and seeing a field hospital full of soldiers who had been exposed to mustard gas, he changed his plans. The high society painter who …
SAL Challenge: 3 Lines
[image_with_animation image_url=”10089″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Draw or print 15 squares. For each square you are allowed only 3 lines (or circles or points). You can start anywhere in the square. When you lift your pen from the paper, that’s the end of your line. You have to stop when you touch a side of the …
Rabbits in paintings
“I remember when my Dad told me as a kid, ‘If you want to catch a rabbit, stand behind a tree and make a noise like a carrot. Then when the rabbit comes by you grab him.’ Works pretty good until you try to figure out what kind of noise a carrot makes…” – Bob …
Lucy Garnett’s “Notations”
Notations A multi-media art show about migration, music, health, and family. Lucy Garnett seeks to understand the themes of migration, music, health, and family by breaking them down and rebuilding them into sculpture, print, painting, and installation. Reception: Saturday Dec 14, 5-8pmOn display: December 14, 2019 – end of March 2020Open: Monday through Friday, 8-5pmShow …