He couldn’t draw or paint. He didn’t consider himself an artist, instead he called himself a “maker” or “designer.” Living in New York City in the depression, Cornell became a collector of small objects and photographs, things he found on his walks through the city. One day in 1931, Cornell visited Julian Levy as he …
[nectar_image_comparison image_url=”10080″ image_2_url=”10081 Madelaine Mimi Torchia Boothby Make an artwork. Cut it up, then reassemble it, considering composition. Materials are artists’ choice. Thank you for sharing your work! I love seeing these artworks online. People who post to Instagram or on Facebook will be eligible to win prizes (see details). No matter where you post, tag us so we can find it. #seattleartistleague #salchallenge #composition …
Welcome to the 30SAL Creative Challenge! Broaden your creative skills Every day this January we’ll post a creative challenge to our V. Notes blog. Subscribers will receive these posts in their inbox. Designed to foster a wide variety of creative skills, our challenges are not restricted to any style or genre, and medium is artist’s …
Max & Vincent’s bedrooms
Have you ever noticed how similar these two scenes are?
(I’ll post more about Van Gogh’s bedroom soon.)
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Joseph Cornell
He couldn’t draw or paint. He didn’t consider himself an artist, instead he called himself a “maker” or “designer.” Living in New York City in the depression, Cornell became a collector of small objects and photographs, things he found on his walks through the city. One day in 1931, Cornell visited Julian Levy as he …
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Day 1: Haptic Self Portrait #30SAL
Welcome to the 30SAL Creative Challenge! Broaden your creative skills Every day this January we’ll post a creative challenge to our V. Notes blog. Subscribers will receive these posts in their inbox. Designed to foster a wide variety of creative skills, our challenges are not restricted to any style or genre, and medium is artist’s …