I found some lovely masterwork studies drawn by Fran O’Neill, but she didn’t list the paintings they were drawn from. I figured I’d make a game of it.
Be the first to identify the artist and title of one of these masterwork paintings and win $50 towards a class.
Fran O’Neill is teaching a landscape class with us on Tuesdays starting May 5th. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a fabulous NY/Australian artist right in your own backyard. I’m absolutely positively enthusiastically in! Are you?
Thursdays are vocabulary day in our 30 day challenge. Our inspiration is actually two words: smatchet / menge, both from A.Word.A.Day with the incredible wordsmith Anu Garg. smatchet PRONUNCIATION: (SMACH-uht) MEANING: noun: An insignificant contemptible person.ETYMOLOGY: Of Scottish origin. Earliest documented use: 1582.USAGE: “Again he wondered how Mieka could be such an infuriating, impossible little …
Search the internet for perspective, and Western perspective is pretty much all you’ll see. Billions of lessons illustrating the importance of one point, two point, and three point perspective. Lessons state that this is something every artist needs to learn in order to correctly render the three dimensional world on a two dimensional surface. It …
Building walls for our Big League Art Show. Opens 1st Thursday April 5th at Galvanize. #artandbeer #firstthursday #seattleartistleague A post shared by Seattle Artist League (@seattleartistleague) on Mar 28, 2018 at 11:23am PDT Our Instagram feed is back online! Please help us grow by clicking here to follow all our pretty pictures.
[image_with_animation image_url=”8109″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] What does wax do for an oil painting? In addition to the protective qualities of a top coat, wax unifies the surface of a painting. Each pigment has varying degrees of matte and shiny, and each brush stroke can have slightly more, or slightly less medium, resulting in a …
Name a Masterwork and Win $50
I found some lovely masterwork studies drawn by Fran O’Neill, but she didn’t list the paintings they were drawn from. I figured I’d make a game of it.
Be the first to identify the artist and title of one of these masterwork paintings and win $50 towards a class.
Fran O’Neill is teaching a landscape class with us on Tuesdays starting May 5th. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a fabulous NY/Australian artist right in your own backyard. I’m absolutely positively enthusiastically in! Are you?
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Thursdays are vocabulary day in our 30 day challenge. Our inspiration is actually two words: smatchet / menge, both from A.Word.A.Day with the incredible wordsmith Anu Garg. smatchet PRONUNCIATION: (SMACH-uht) MEANING: noun: An insignificant contemptible person.ETYMOLOGY: Of Scottish origin. Earliest documented use: 1582.USAGE: “Again he wondered how Mieka could be such an infuriating, impossible little …
Day 22: Vertical Perspective #30SAL
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Instagram – The Rapid Screw
Building walls for our Big League Art Show. Opens 1st Thursday April 5th at Galvanize. #artandbeer #firstthursday #seattleartistleague A post shared by Seattle Artist League (@seattleartistleague) on Mar 28, 2018 at 11:23am PDT Our Instagram feed is back online! Please help us grow by clicking here to follow all our pretty pictures.
Product Review: Gamblin’s Cold Wax vs Renaissance Microcrystalline Wax Polish
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