These days seem to be built for introverts. Stay at home, don’t congregate in groups, avoid contact. While the rest of the world goes stir crazy, introverts quietly read a book. …Unless their family is trapped at home with them.
Call for Art: 6′ of space
At the end of this collection of people quietly reading is a call for art. I’m looking for artworks depicting the very strange new rule of 6′ of space. See details below. Thank you!
Quietly Reading
Search for paintings of women reading, and so many appear that it could be a genre. Perhaps the book was how the model was coaxed into sitting still long enough to be painted.
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Deineka (1899-1969) Young Woman with Book, 1934
David Park, Woman Reading, 1957
Giovanni Giacometti (1868-1933) Alberto Reading, 1915
People from my Thursday “Effects of Light” class, did you see effects in the Giacometti above? Wow. The colors are luminous as stained glass! Blend nothing ever.
John Duncan Fergusson (1874-1961), Lamplight, 1900
“Vanessa Bell was a central member of the Bloomsbury Group in London. She was a painter, textile designer, ceramic designer, and graphic designer. She is also well known for being the sister of Virginia Woolf. (…) Vanessa Bell designed this book cover for Virginia Woolf’s book of essays, The Second Common Reader. She designed many covers for Woolf’s work, which were published by Hogarth Press, owned and run by Leonard Woolf, Virginia’s husband….”
I wasn’t going to include any photographs, but this one gave me a smile, and seemed prescient: 6 feet of space.
I’m interested in seeing pictures that illustrate the very strange 6′ social distancing rule. Open to any media (photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, etc). Must be a League member to submit. Please email your works and include your name, size and materials of your piece, and your website/social media page. Send your images to ruthiev(at) before April 14.
Include “6′ of Space” in the subject line. I’ll post my favorites.
We are like crabs I was marveling out loud about how our left and right hands look the same but one works and one doesn’t, when I was gracefully informed by a dancer that one side of our body is best for fine motor skills, and the other is for strength. Could this be true?? …
Tina Kraft is a talented South Florida artist with connections to our besties at the New York Studio School. It was at NYSS where we met many of our great instructors such as Fran O’Neil, Charity Baker, Catherine Lepp, Sam Wade Levy, Shruti Ghatak, and Jonathan Harkham. Our own Keith Pfieffer is currently pursuing his …
Not every student work is a keepsake, but it’s a hard drop to have your perfectly imperfect artworks become garbage. Instead of piling up or going to a landfill, some artists have the very clever idea to re-use their work in collages. They get all of the enjoyment and benefit of creative play, doubled. I …
Quietly Reading
These days seem to be built for introverts. Stay at home, don’t congregate in groups, avoid contact. While the rest of the world goes stir crazy, introverts quietly read a book. …Unless their family is trapped at home with them.
Call for Art: 6′ of space
At the end of this collection of people quietly reading is a call for art. I’m looking for artworks depicting the very strange new rule of 6′ of space. See details below. Thank you!
Quietly Reading
Search for paintings of women reading, and so many appear that it could be a genre. Perhaps the book was how the model was coaxed into sitting still long enough to be painted.
People from my Thursday “Effects of Light” class, did you see effects in the Giacometti above? Wow. The colors are luminous as stained glass! Blend nothing ever.
According to
“Vanessa Bell was a central member of the Bloomsbury Group in London. She was a painter, textile designer, ceramic designer, and graphic designer. She is also well known for being the sister of Virginia Woolf. (…) Vanessa Bell designed this book cover for Virginia Woolf’s book of essays, The Second Common Reader. She designed many covers for Woolf’s work, which were published by Hogarth Press, owned and run by Leonard Woolf, Virginia’s husband….”
I wasn’t going to include any photographs, but this one gave me a smile, and seemed prescient: 6 feet of space.
I’m interested in seeing pictures that illustrate the very strange 6′ social distancing rule. Open to any media (photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, etc). Must be a League member to submit. Please email your works and include your name, size and materials of your piece, and your website/social media page. Send your images to ruthiev(at) before April 14.
Include “6′ of Space” in the subject line. I’ll post my favorites.
Please share this post!
Read, and be well.
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