I ran into this little collection of cake paintings posted by Anne McGurk, and felt inspired to share. Inspired would not quite be the most accurate word, as I am trying not to eat sugar.
If you’ve ever tried to avoid sweet foods, you know how prevalent sugar is. Sweets didn’t seem like such a big deal before, but suddenly once you try to stop, an open bowl of sugar is on everyone’s desk, at every gathering, and even hanging from your doorknob as a “gift.”
So, consider this my plate of cookies. You can swing on by any time today and pretend to be surprised and delighted by the sweet cake paintings. Help yourself. No adverse effects. Happy holidays.
George Braque, 1941
Scott Noel Jan’s Birthday Cake, 2013
The funny thing that you don’t know about this post, is that I wanted to start with Anne McGurk’s collection of three, then add to them. I’ve done this once or twice before, and it has lead to collections that start with three, and end up being 100, because I find so many I get too excited, and end up with a GIANT post about something or other. This particular time, I searched for paintings of cake. A few odd paintings came up, some unwanted still lives of fruit, and the rest of the page was full of Wayne Thiebaud paintings. That man painted some cakes! Thick frosting paint, bright and edible, canvas after canvas after canvas. I wonder how many Thiebaud cake paintings are in the world. Maybe some day I’ll collect all the ones I can find. Oh dear…..
Wayne Thiebaud, “Lightning” 1972
Did you see the Paint like Wayne Thiebaud workshop coming up? That’s a workshop that’ll use some thick paint! (Don’t eat it.) Maybe I’ll bring carrots.
[image_with_animation image_url=”6263″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Richard Tuttle Richard Tuttle is an American known for his small, odd, subtle, and intimate works. Sometimes, his art incites the viewer to decide what distinguishes art from trash. See “untitled” drawing above, and the gem below. Tuttle was a very close friend of minimalist painter Agnes Martin. ” …
This robot was designed to have human-like focus. It looks first at the subject, then at the paper, and wiggles its little robot arm to make marks with a Bic pen. From this, a portrait is produced. It’s normal to assume that creative work is an emotional process, but observational drawing is more like this studious robot …
In the late 1940s, several prominent artists of the New York School– including Robert Rauschenberg, Ad Reinhardt, Mark Rothko and Frank Stella–were intently studying the color black. That work, interrelated but not collaborative, resulted in 20 years of black: textured black, striped black, blue-black, brown-black, black-black, blackish, and blackity-black-black paintings. With a Google image search, …
The Seattle Artist League is opening a clay studio and will be offering IN PERSON pottery classes in South Seattle this summer. In addition to our drawing and painting classes both online and in person, we will be offering classes in wheel throwing and handbuilding clay forms. I am tremendously excited about this. When I …
Have some cake
I ran into this little collection of cake paintings posted by Anne McGurk, and felt inspired to share. Inspired would not quite be the most accurate word, as I am trying not to eat sugar.
If you’ve ever tried to avoid sweet foods, you know how prevalent sugar is. Sweets didn’t seem like such a big deal before, but suddenly once you try to stop, an open bowl of sugar is on everyone’s desk, at every gathering, and even hanging from your doorknob as a “gift.”
So, consider this my plate of cookies. You can swing on by any time today and pretend to be surprised and delighted by the sweet cake paintings. Help yourself. No adverse effects. Happy holidays.
The funny thing that you don’t know about this post, is that I wanted to start with Anne McGurk’s collection of three, then add to them. I’ve done this once or twice before, and it has lead to collections that start with three, and end up being 100, because I find so many I get too excited, and end up with a GIANT post about something or other. This particular time, I searched for paintings of cake. A few odd paintings came up, some unwanted still lives of fruit, and the rest of the page was full of Wayne Thiebaud paintings. That man painted some cakes! Thick frosting paint, bright and edible, canvas after canvas after canvas. I wonder how many Thiebaud cake paintings are in the world. Maybe some day I’ll collect all the ones I can find. Oh dear…..
Did you see the Paint like Wayne Thiebaud workshop coming up? That’s a workshop that’ll use some thick paint! (Don’t eat it.) Maybe I’ll bring carrots.
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[image_with_animation image_url=”6263″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Richard Tuttle Richard Tuttle is an American known for his small, odd, subtle, and intimate works. Sometimes, his art incites the viewer to decide what distinguishes art from trash. See “untitled” drawing above, and the gem below. Tuttle was a very close friend of minimalist painter Agnes Martin. ” …
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