Frohsin is another painter on the list of Carlos San Millan’s favorites. He had talked about wanting to develop his work into more flat color fields, a move towards the abstract. These paintings by Frohsin and others are his inspirations. I liked these abstracted figures so much I did some research and found more of my own to take for inspiration. These are Carlos’ pics, I’ll post more in the next V. Note.
Excerpt from Mitchell Albala’s Book: Simplification and Massing The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. – Hans Hoffman At a recent workshop, …
Above: A beautiful example of multi-layered blending by Sharon Kingston Blending The most common way to kill the vitality in a painting, blending is a smooth transition between two colors, painted when wet. …
I happened upon this glorious Instagram post, in which Alex Kanevsky compliments a “beautifully painted boob.” The most beautifully painted boob in the world belonged to the Benefit Supervisor sleeping …
Kim Frohsin
Frohsin is another painter on the list of Carlos San Millan’s favorites. He had talked about wanting to develop his work into more flat color fields, a move towards the abstract. These paintings by Frohsin and others are his inspirations. I liked these abstracted figures so much I did some research and found more of my own to take for inspiration. These are Carlos’ pics, I’ll post more in the next V. Note.
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Blending Techniques for Painters
Above: A beautiful example of multi-layered blending by Sharon Kingston Blending The most common way to kill the vitality in a painting, blending is a smooth transition between two colors, painted when wet. …
Painters named Alex
[image_with_animation image_url=”5980″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] ” load_in_animation=”none Happy day-after-your birthday Alex Walker!
The Most Beautifully Painted Boob
I happened upon this glorious Instagram post, in which Alex Kanevsky compliments a “beautifully painted boob.” The most beautifully painted boob in the world belonged to the Benefit Supervisor sleeping …