Dawn is here, and I count 135 artwork submissions for our 3rd Annual Big League Art Show! Paintings, mixed media, collage, photography, vitreography, monotypes, woodblocks, drawings, and more. We’re a diverse group!
Join us for the Big League show reception
May 4, 12:00-6:00 – with Inscape’s Open House
Artwork on display May & June
Leaguers showing on the 1st and 2nd Floor
Maps of League artwork locations will be available
Inscape Arts
815 Seattle Blvd. S, Seattle WA 98126
The League is an art school for people like you. Come celebrate with us!
Exercise your creativity This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens. UGGLE An old Scots dialect word meaning …
Exercise your creativity This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens. COIFFURE the arrangement of the hair “They …
Yesterday I posted an introduction to the most unusual art class I’ve ever been a part of. I talked about Cezanne’s approach to recording a scene by using short lines distributed across the page, and how this can be used to integrate abstraction, time, space, and movement in a piece. One of the students in …
In the interview below, you’ll also see mention of “Ekphrasis.” In the days where each Thursday painter gave a brief presentation to the class, Skillman inspired us all with her presentation about ekphrastic poetry – a poem based on a work of art. In an ekphrastic poem, the writer describes the work of art, and may …
135 Artwork Submissions!
Join us for the Big League show reception
May 4, 12:00-6:00 – with Inscape’s Open House
Artwork on display May & June
Leaguers showing on the 1st and 2nd Floor
Maps of League artwork locations will be available
Inscape Arts
815 Seattle Blvd. S, Seattle WA 98126
The League is an art school for people like you. Come celebrate with us!
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