This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens.
: flimsy, frail
Slimsy is a blend of slim and flimsy. The word was first used in the mid-19th century and was at its peak of popularity in the early 20th.
“For one thing, she’ll have to make Daisy some clothes first, because Daisy hasn’t got much to wear except what she’s got on…. Just about all she’s got to her name is that little slimsy gingham jumper she’s wearing.” — Erskine Caldwell, A Woman in the House, 1936
“With Nebraska going out in the quarterfinals against Michigan—leaving the Cornhuskers with a slimsy resume nearly devoid of high-end wins—the Big Ten is poised to produce only four tournament teams for the first time since 2008.” — Patrick Stevens, The Chicago Tribune, 5 Mar. 2018
#salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Prizes awarded for creativity and participation
To be eligible for a prize, and to help motivate other people, post your creative project to Facebook or Instagram. You can also email it to me directly, and use the tags: #salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Born on this day: September 6, 1947, Luciano de Liberato is an Italian colorist who paints constructed “still lifes” of colored paper. The paintings appear at first to be flat but upon further inspection are actually carefully crafted to imitate exactly the depth of layered paper, woven, and lifted up a bit at the edges. The …
From my previous post: Daily painters are artists who start and finish a painting every day-ish. Sometimes they slow down a bit, or take holidays and sabbaticals, but the basic idea is they do small quick studies frequently. (…) Daily practice makes you more decisive, and improves your artwork fast. Notable daily painters are Duane Keiser, Julian Merrow-Smith, and Carol …
…Unless it’s very pretty that way. Here’s some snow for the Seattle Snowpocalypse survivors. This woodcut is made with black ink on long fiber board paper. Herschel Logan printed this in 1930. According to Logan, the image was taken from an early photograph. You may have noticed, you astute reader you, that the composition is …
Exercise your creativity This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens. AGASTOPIA n. – admiration of a particular …
SAL Challenge 28: SLIMSY
Exercise your creativity
This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens.
“For one thing, she’ll have to make Daisy some clothes first, because Daisy hasn’t got much to wear except what she’s got on…. Just about all she’s got to her name is that little slimsy gingham jumper she’s wearing.” — Erskine Caldwell, A Woman in the House, 1936
“With Nebraska going out in the quarterfinals against Michigan—leaving the Cornhuskers with a slimsy resume nearly devoid of high-end wins—the Big Ten is poised to produce only four tournament teams for the first time since 2008.” — Patrick Stevens, The Chicago Tribune, 5 Mar. 2018
Prizes awarded for creativity and participation
To be eligible for a prize, and to help motivate other people, post your creative project to Facebook or Instagram. You can also email it to me directly, and use the tags: #salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
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SAL Challenge 16: AGASTOPIA
Exercise your creativity This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens. AGASTOPIA n. – admiration of a particular …