This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens.
adj. – pertaining to breakfast
Of or pertaining to a breakfast taken early in the morning, or immediately on getting up. I took a post-jentacular walk to settle my stomach.
#salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Prizes awarded for creativity and participation
To be eligible for a prize, and to help motivate other people, post your creative project to Facebook or Instagram or email it to me directly, and use the tags: #salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
For 30 years Stuart Shils painted urban skylines and tuscan landscapes, painting outside or by looking through the window. He simpliefied the landscape into bright, vague, and subtle studies of color. Now he’s at that same window, his view turned inward, making collage, camera and light projections. They’re called Window Collages. The titles are poetic/scientific documentations: night …
Mondays are design/composition day in our 30 day challenge. You are 5 days from the finish! Composition Types There are multiple composition types. Here are two: static and dynamic. Static Compositions Static compositions are stable, peaceful, and tranquil. A static composition might have a focal point (centered), but it has no movement. Static compositions are often …
Every time I write a V. Note, I get ideas for five more. Then I spend the next month driving myself crazy because I don’t make time to write again. I’m sure all of you can relate to the constant vigilance it takes to make time for creating. In the previous post I talked about …
I have a guest V. Note today from our printmaking instructor Nikki Barber. Back in April 2020, Nikki interviewed Sam Davidson, of Davidson Galleries in Seattle. Nikki asked Sam about his favorite works in the Davidson collection. This is a delightful interview about a variety of printmaking artists around the globe, with interesting work I …
SAL Challenge 23: JENTACULAR
Exercise your creativity
This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens.
adj. – pertaining to breakfast
Of or pertaining to a breakfast taken early in the morning, or immediately on getting up. I took a post-jentacular walk to settle my stomach.
#salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Prizes awarded for creativity and participation
To be eligible for a prize, and to help motivate other people, post your creative project to Facebook or Instagram or email it to me directly, and use the tags: #salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
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