This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens.
adj. – of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog
#salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Prizes awarded for creativity and participation
To be eligible for a prize, and to help motivate other people, post your creative project to Facebook or Instagram. You can also email it to me directly, and use the tags: #salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Tennis said he grabbed a crayon at random, and slowly started making a line on the paper. He tried not to think about where the line was going or dictate where it went. He’d just let it go, as if he was watching a bug walk across the page. This “not thinking” thing is difficult …
[image_with_animation image_url=”7883″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] This is a line. Today, respond to the scribble (above) to make a drawing. You can print it out, trace it, or redraw it. Share your drawings to this post on our Facebook page. (#salchallenge) The January Creative Challenge: 15 minutes, once a day, for 30 days.
Welcome to day 4 of our 30 Day Creative Challenge! This is a composition day in our 30 Day Challenge. Here’s an exercise that improves your compositions, without you even thinking about composition. It worked for Diebenkorn! The primary challenge is to respond to the creative prompts in these posts, and see what happens. The …
SAL Challenge 15: ERINACEOUS
Exercise your creativity
This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens.
adj. – of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog
#salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
Prizes awarded for creativity and participation
To be eligible for a prize, and to help motivate other people, post your creative project to Facebook or Instagram. You can also email it to me directly, and use the tags: #salchallenge @seattleartistleague #(word of the day)
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