Recently I posted about The Language of Color, in which I relate pinking shears to pink, the color. Please allow me to clarify.
pink and pinked
According to, the noun “pink” is first recorded in 1566, but not as the name for a color. “Pink” was the name for a flower, that Dianthus plumarius after which the pinking shears were named. The flowers, obviously, were pink. A sort of white-ish red.
But wait. There’s more! Before pink was the name for the flower, the name for when your eye gets all small and narrow and winking, or squeezed. Pinkie winking, what’s what they called it. No not really. But in 1544 it was a verb: to pink.
If you did not enjoy this pink V. Note, you will surely not enjoy the lecture today. Suzanne Walker, Phd, BFD will be launching rainbows for our WTF Art History: COLOR lecture, 1:00 at the League. Free for League students, please attend.
[image_with_animation image_url=”7673″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Mia Dix, Memory of an Object “The loss of a tangible object, that was dropped and broken. It was a glass bird. This ink painting is what I remember of it.” —– For today’s challenge, you will need a timer, drawing/painting tools, and 2 pieces of paper. Choose a simple …
Exercise your creativity This SAL Challenge is a vocabulary based creative challenge every day for January. Materials are artist’s choice. You can draw, paint, sew, collage, sculpt your food, anything you want. See below for today’s creative challenge. Set the timer for 20 minutes and see what happens. GLABROUS : smooth especially : having a …
[image_with_animation image_url=”10515″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Photo and painting of JS Sargent’s teacher Carolus-Duran. Painting not made from photo. Photo taken (possibly?) to resemble the painting. Posted by James Gurney Would you be surprised to see that a painter who depended on patrons’ funds applied a bit of painterly flattery to his portraits? Take a …
Origin of the word “Pink”
Recently I posted about The Language of Color, in which I relate pinking shears to pink, the color. Please allow me to clarify.
Ruthie teaches art classes at Seattle Artist League. Click here to sign up for drawing, painting, pottery, and more!
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