[image_with_animation image_url=”9902″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] As part of our Art & Activism series with Fredericka Foster and the Salish Sea Project, the League has adopted an orca whale. Proceeds from orca adoptions support ongoing education, research and public outreach through the Whale Museum. There were many whales up for adoption, and League artists voted to adopt Lazuli, an orca that’s 3 years old. (He’s the same age as the League!) In clean water with lots of Coho Salmon to eat, orca whales can live 90 years. Foster’s Art & Activism class is working in conjunction with a documentary film by Alan Honick to raise awareness about our threatened sea and wildlife. Adoption is just the beginning. Long live us all! [image_with_animation image_url=”9919″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] What do orca whales sound like? Below is a compilation of sound samples from orca whales in Haro Strait, near San Juan Island, in August 2006. Collected by David Neiwert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5ZSvTfYYJQ
You are now in the second half of our 30 day creative challenge. Did you see the post with some of my favorites from the first 2 weeks? Don’t miss them! If you see yours in there, contact us to claim your $50 gift certificate. Today’s creative challenge: What do you do when you’re not doing …
Yesterday I wrote about Bonnard’s sketches, and included an unkind description of his wife Marthe. “Bonnard’s wife Marthe was a difficult and neurotic woman who spent a disproportionate amount of her day in obsessive washing and bathing. Thanks to this quirk, Bonnard made many intimate figurative works.” I had read that Marthe was neurotic, difficult, …
The content below is from the Seattle Artist League’s Official Artist-Not-In-Residence, Patty Haller. We are pits deep in a series called “Stuff that Patty Likes.” Patty’s Ponderous Post “The paintings I’m showing in January 2017 at Smith and Vallee Gallery are my explorations of pattern, color and how to handle the complex data of forest …
Thank you to Claire Putney for introducing us to the work of Matthew Cusick. [image_with_animation image_url=”5955″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Matthew Cusick “Cusick uses atlases for his powerful collages, uniting pieces of the landscape that are actually quite far apart to create his own new world. Armed with scissors and a craft knife, the artist …
Meet Our Orca Whale
[image_with_animation image_url=”9902″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] As part of our Art & Activism series with Fredericka Foster and the Salish Sea Project, the League has adopted an orca whale. Proceeds from orca adoptions support ongoing education, research and public outreach through the Whale Museum. There were many whales up for adoption, and League artists voted to adopt Lazuli, an orca that’s 3 years old. (He’s the same age as the League!) In clean water with lots of Coho Salmon to eat, orca whales can live 90 years. Foster’s Art & Activism class is working in conjunction with a documentary film by Alan Honick to raise awareness about our threatened sea and wildlife. Adoption is just the beginning. Long live us all! [image_with_animation image_url=”9919″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] What do orca whales sound like? Below is a compilation of sound samples from orca whales in Haro Strait, near San Juan Island, in August 2006. Collected by David Neiwert.
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