League painter Siobhán Wilder was chosen for an online critique through Clara Lieu’s Art Prof site, which now offers critiques for artists. Clara Lieu is an adjunct professor at RISD and the critique was given by Lieu’s associate Lauryn Welch, painter and performance artist.
Wilder’s critique video has just been posted to Art Prof. It’s a positive and thoughtful critique, full of compliments, insights, and suggestions for Wilder’s mysterious series of works.
Since submitting the paintings for critique, Wilder has continued to work a few of them. I’m including them here, as updates.
Insect Challenge 68 people, and 9 teams collaborated for this blind drawing challenge. Each team member emailed me their drawings without their team mates seeing what they drew, and I assembled them. Unlike the two previous drawing challenges, this challenge was an invitation to see how many members a team could assemble. Bugs below. “2 Hills” Team [image_with_animation …
Tennis said he grabbed a crayon at random, and slowly started making a line on the paper. He tried not to think about where the line was going or dictate where it went. He’d just let it go, as if he was watching a bug walk across the page. This “not thinking” thing is difficult …
[image_with_animation image_url=”9399″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Francis Bacon’s studio Where do you make art? I find looking at artist’s spaces just as interesting as looking at the artwork made there. In part, what I’m looking at when I look at art spaces is how people adapt their space to suit their needs (how the studio …
[image_with_animation image_url=”8162″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] They started as doodles of cups on legal pads, these thoughtful experiments in color and line by Lendy Hensley. The color concepts were inspired by colorist Josef Albers, the linear compositions were inspired by potter Gwyn Hanssen Pigott. Lendy combined the two, plus quite a bit of her own …
Siobhán Wilder’s Critique
[image_with_animation image_url=”9160″ alignment=”” animation=”Fade In” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”]
Siobhán Wilder, Indian Alley, oil on panel, 10×8″
League painter Siobhán Wilder was chosen for an online critique through Clara Lieu’s Art Prof site, which now offers critiques for artists. Clara Lieu is an adjunct professor at RISD and the critique was given by Lieu’s associate Lauryn Welch, painter and performance artist.
Wilder’s critique video has just been posted to Art Prof. It’s a positive and thoughtful critique, full of compliments, insights, and suggestions for Wilder’s mysterious series of works.
Since submitting the paintings for critique, Wilder has continued to work a few of them. I’m including them here, as updates.
Well done Siobhán!
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