Bump Hunting – A figure drawing technique in which an artist not well versed in anatomy compensates by looking for subtle bumps in the model’s contours. These bumps can be slightly exaggerated to articulate bones, tendons, fat, and muscles beneath the surface of the skin.
V-cabulary is a new dictionary of invented art terms that would not be used in a school of respectable reputation.
Today is the Memory/Imagination day of our 30 Day Creative Challenge. Look at “The Desperate Man” by Gustave Courbet. Your challenge today is to imagine what he’s looking at, and …
This is drypoint and chine-collé, a printmaking technique in which a thin or fragile piece of paper is glued to a thicker, stronger piece of paper with rice glue, and …
R. B. Kitaj 1932 – 2007 Edited from https://artbios.net/5-en.html R.B. Kitaj was an American artist who championed figuration in the aftermath of expressionism. Kitaj was an influential figure in the London art scene …
Day 12: George Washington The instructions were to finish an unfinished portrait of George Washington. If you’ve gone into instagram or padlet and searched for #30SAL, you have probably seen …
V-cabulary: Bump Hunting
V-cabulary is a new dictionary of invented art terms that would not be used in a school of respectable reputation.
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R. B. Kitaj
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