You might have noticed that these daily challenges are a little different than other daily challenges. First of all, for most of the projects you can use any materials you want, not just drawing materials. You can sew, build, paint, print, draw, collage, or anything else that strikes your fancy. More importantly, these aren’t drawing challenges.
Sal Challenges are skill building games specifically designed to stimulate a wide variety of creative skills.
For example, if one day’s challenge is observational drawing, the next could be composition, then memory, humor, expression, meditation, math, narrative, fantasy, or collaboration. This isn’t a definitive list of artistic skills, but I do try to give a wide variety of creative exercises to reflect our wide variety of abilities. Some of you might hate day two but love day three, others will be totally overwhelmed until day seven, but all of us who are participating each day will get a little bit better at everything.
If you find one challenge is easier than another, try to figure out what kind of creative muscle it’s exercising, and consider pushing through instead of skipping it. You could say that math projects are not your style, but style is based on limitations, and this game is specifically designed to reduce our limitations, 15 minutes at a time.
Wednesdays are “see and respond” days in our 30 day challenge. Two weeks ago, the challenge was to follow specific instructions for making Sol LeWitt’s wall drawing #118. Today is Sol LeWitt instructions for wall drawing #328. This one suggests you start with a black wall and draw with white crayon. Paper or black painted …
What happens when paper is treated as a raw material, instead of a flat white rectangle? The photograph to the left is one that’s been circulating on the internet lately. This is what happens when wasps are given colored construction paper. The paper is used as fibers and pulp, not ready for pencil lines to represent an …
William Scott (1913 – 1989) British artist, known for still-life and abstract painting. He is the most internationally celebrated of 20th-century Ulster painters. (wiki) Yesterday I posted charcoal drawings by William Scott. Today I’m posting his paintings. I look at these as a series of compositional experiments. I like to look at each object that he separated, grouped. …
SAL Challenges: How are they different from daily drawings?
[image_with_animation image_url=”7444″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”]
Quilled brain (above) by Sarah Yakawonis
You might have noticed that these daily challenges are a little different than other daily challenges. First of all, for most of the projects you can use any materials you want, not just drawing materials. You can sew, build, paint, print, draw, collage, or anything else that strikes your fancy. More importantly, these aren’t drawing challenges.
If you find one challenge is easier than another, try to figure out what kind of creative muscle it’s exercising, and consider pushing through instead of skipping it. You could say that math projects are not your style, but style is based on limitations, and this game is specifically designed to reduce our limitations, 15 minutes at a time.
What do you say? Ready to give it another try?
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Drawing A Day, Day 14