In the same breath that I will say “please don’t ever refer to my gender before you refer to my work” I will share this list of lady artists, because … sometimes you have to be a big pill when society is sick.
Huff, sigh, shuffle, and growl. Go get ’em girls.
“All the children sat looking at Pippi, who lay flat on the floor, drawing to her heart’s content. ‘But, Pippi,’ said the teacher impatiently, ‘why in the world aren’t you drawing on your paper?’”
Sculptors think in terms of mass, volume, weight and texture. Those elements are present even in their 2D work. Henry Moore (1898 – 1986) is known mainly for his sculptures, but he also made a few voluminous sketches. Take a look at this series of sheep. They have mass, volume, mood, weight and texture. Notice there is nothing flat …
This is day 4 of the 30SAL creative challenge! To learn more about this 30 day challenge, click here. Looking at only the back of this altarpiece fragment, imagine what the front looks like, and recreate it. You can draw, paint, lay out baguettes and hosiery, or anything else that inspires you. Share your drawing …
Welcome to another day of creative CrossFit! Today is 23 out of 30. Only one more week to go! I’ve been talking about various forms of perspective. Perspective has a lot of rules! Sometimes with all these rules about art, I forget that getting it “right” can actually make a drawing less interesting. Australian artist …
Fierce Women of Art – Pippi Longstocking
Fierce Women of Art
In the same breath that I will say “please don’t ever refer to my gender before you refer to my work” I will share this list of lady artists, because … sometimes you have to be a big pill when society is sick.
Huff, sigh, shuffle, and growl. Go get ’em girls.
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Pippi Longstocking
[image_with_animation image_url=”6342″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”]
“All the children sat looking at Pippi, who lay flat on the floor, drawing to her heart’s content. ‘But, Pippi,’ said the teacher impatiently, ‘why in the world aren’t you drawing on your paper?’”
-Pippi Longstocking, created by Astrid Lindgren
[image_with_animation image_url=”6344″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] [image_with_animation image_url=”6300″ alignment=”” animation=”None” img_link_target=”_blank” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%” img_link=”
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Day 4: Altarpiece #30SAL
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Day 23: Multiple Perspectives #30SAL
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