[image_with_animation image_url=”9791″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Connie Pierson, Art: Before/After League Scientists say that making art improves your happiness quotient. Happy creatives have been posting work all over the everywhere on Facebook and Instagram pages. Connie Pierson, Lucy Garnett, Alex Walker, Bolinas Frank, Siobhan Wilder, Madeline Mimi Torchia Boothby, Elva Frances, Mahala Mrozek, Marina Vogman, Laura …
Most of the time when people draw something such as a still life, they draw the objects and then neglect everything around the objects, like the table holding it up, and the wall behind it. A drawing like this shows us a thing floating in nothing instead of an interaction of depth, volume, and surfaces …
I’m teaching two new figure sculpture classes starting April 14. One is sculpting with wax and polymer clay on armature. The other is Colorful Clay Busts. To get the party started in my Colorful Clay Busts course, we’re going to practice some fundamental clay sculpting techniques. For inspiration, I collected some figurative shapes that really …
Drawing A Day, Day 14
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[image_with_animation image_url=”9791″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Connie Pierson, Art: Before/After League Scientists say that making art improves your happiness quotient. Happy creatives have been posting work all over the everywhere on Facebook and Instagram pages. Connie Pierson, Lucy Garnett, Alex Walker, Bolinas Frank, Siobhan Wilder, Madeline Mimi Torchia Boothby, Elva Frances, Mahala Mrozek, Marina Vogman, Laura …
Day 23: Set the Stage #30SAL
Most of the time when people draw something such as a still life, they draw the objects and then neglect everything around the objects, like the table holding it up, and the wall behind it. A drawing like this shows us a thing floating in nothing instead of an interaction of depth, volume, and surfaces …
Drawing A Day, Day 8
It says Day 7, but it’s really Day 8.
Reductive Figure Sculptures
I’m teaching two new figure sculpture classes starting April 14. One is sculpting with wax and polymer clay on armature. The other is Colorful Clay Busts. To get the party started in my Colorful Clay Busts course, we’re going to practice some fundamental clay sculpting techniques. For inspiration, I collected some figurative shapes that really …