Before there were art supply stores, people made art. Before there were pencils, there were sharpened mineral rocks. Before there were brushes there were clumps of grass and twigs and fur. Today’s drawing is “No Art Store Tools.” You can use paper, but no pencils. Ink is fine, but no pens.
So what now? Lots! Scavenge, invent, modify, build. Use your hands, use your feet. Grab an old toothbrush, cut a stick from the garden, pluck a feather, bundle q-tips, take a deep breath and blow. Find something and make it work! Here are some ideas for making marks without art store art supplies:
Take a class with SAL – anywhere! In 1998, a referendum to legalize abortion failed in Portugal. In direct response, Portuguese artist Paula Rego painted the Abortion series, 10 pastel paintings that drew attention to the experience of women. “It highlights the fear and pain and danger of an illegal abortion, which is what desperate …
This is day 11 of our 30 day creative challenge! To learn more about this 30SAL challenge, click here. Today we have another “See and Respond” challenge. Take this example of a Mayan throne back piece for a king and queen and redesign it, inserting your own figures in relationship. Share your drawing on Instagram with …
I overheard some League painters talking about dumb shit they do when they paint: simple things that are easy to solve, but cause us extended frustration. I laughed, listening to all the things we share in common. If you’re painting and it’s not going well, here are some fixable things you can check for: Are …
Last week I sent out a creative invitation to put googly eyes on inanimate objects. The responses on Instagram made our heads spin! Below are a few selected from the whole googly bunch. Stay tuned! The monkeys are gathering their favorites for week 2 of the #30SAL Challenge. Posting soon!
Anti-Art Supplies
Before there were art supply stores, people made art. Before there were pencils, there were sharpened mineral rocks. Before there were brushes there were clumps of grass and twigs and fur. Today’s drawing is “No Art Store Tools.” You can use paper, but no pencils. Ink is fine, but no pens.
So what now? Lots! Scavenge, invent, modify, build. Use your hands, use your feet. Grab an old toothbrush, cut a stick from the garden, pluck a feather, bundle q-tips, take a deep breath and blow. Find something and make it work! Here are some ideas for making marks without art store art supplies:
Bug Works by entomologist Steven R. Kutcher
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Diane Victor’s Smoke Drawings
Paul Smith’s Typewriter Drawings
Cai Guo-Qiang’s Firework Drawings
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