Ruthie V. Some Pretty Paintings A collection of figures and flowers in paintings and prints Artist talk Saturday at 3:30pm (TODAY!) yak yak yak yak juxtaposition yak yak yak sexy flowers yak yak yak Opening Reception to follow 5:00-7:00pm Show open through January 27, 2019 Smith & Vallee Gallery 5742 Gilkey Ave, Edison (360) 766-6230 Open Daily …
“This has to stop. This has gone on for hundreds of years and it has to stop,” Pastor Kenneth Isabell said in his opening prayer at the third anniversary of Charleena Lyles’ murder June 19, 2020. Three years ago, Seattle police Officers Steven McNew and Jason Anderson shot Lyles seven times after she called 911 …
” load_in_animation=”none People are posting their creative challenges online! You can find them by using the hashtags #salchallenge @seattleartistleague. Below are some interesting artworks for week one that I wanted to share. The words for week one were unidextral, puerile, unlovesome, unguiform, unciform, urceiform, ubiquit. If you see your project here, contact me for your …
I’d like to also mention Wendy Lumsdaine, for her stitch sketches. Every one of her posts has been a tondo! Inspired? There’s still time! Every doodle counts! Start where you are, and make something. Not a perfect something, just a something. Something is infinitely more than nothing, and that’s a big win for us …
Headless Portraits
Victorians combined images from multiple negatives to create portraits known as “Headless Photographs.” (19th century) Not one cracked a smile.
If Victorians had Facebook, would they have posted this?
Happy Halloween!
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Some Pretty Paintings opens today!
Ruthie V. Some Pretty Paintings A collection of figures and flowers in paintings and prints Artist talk Saturday at 3:30pm (TODAY!) yak yak yak yak juxtaposition yak yak yak sexy flowers yak yak yak Opening Reception to follow 5:00-7:00pm Show open through January 27, 2019 Smith & Vallee Gallery 5742 Gilkey Ave, Edison (360) 766-6230 Open Daily …
Black Lives Matter mural extended through 2020
“This has to stop. This has gone on for hundreds of years and it has to stop,” Pastor Kenneth Isabell said in his opening prayer at the third anniversary of Charleena Lyles’ murder June 19, 2020. Three years ago, Seattle police Officers Steven McNew and Jason Anderson shot Lyles seven times after she called 911 …
SAL Challenge Favorites Week 1
” load_in_animation=”none People are posting their creative challenges online! You can find them by using the hashtags #salchallenge @seattleartistleague. Below are some interesting artworks for week one that I wanted to share. The words for week one were unidextral, puerile, unlovesome, unguiform, unciform, urceiform, ubiquit. If you see your project here, contact me for your …
SAL Challenge Favorites, Week 2
I’d like to also mention Wendy Lumsdaine, for her stitch sketches. Every one of her posts has been a tondo! Inspired? There’s still time! Every doodle counts! Start where you are, and make something. Not a perfect something, just a something. Something is infinitely more than nothing, and that’s a big win for us …