Can you guess the color?
It’s just delicious fun to watch paint get mixed. Painters, notice how long it takes. It’s easy to get impatient with this part of the process when we’re painting, thinking the mix should instantly be mixed so you could get on with applying the next brush strokes, but really what good is the application of a color if it’s not the right one? Mixing the right color in the right consistency takes time.
Bee-Pin by David Dodge Lewis (1997). Vitreograph on paper, edition of 30. Photo courtesy of the Littleton Collection. Vitreography is a printmaking technique that uses a thick glass matrix instead of the traditional matrices of metal, wood or stone. Sound interesting? You can make your first vitreograph next week! VitreographyTuesdays 6-10pmStarts Sept 23REGISTER TODAY!
Today I’ll eat butter. Lots and lots of butter. And I’ll be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. -Ruthie From the poetry foundation: Butter BY ELIZABETH ALEXANDER My mother loves butter more than I do, more than anyone. She pulls chunks off the stick and eats it plain, explaining cream spun around into butter! Growing up we ate …
[image_with_animation image_url=”10097″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] William Kentridge Today is National Typewriter Day! Draw a typewriter. Materials are artist’s choice. Thank you to Bo Frank for telling me about National Typewriter Day. Thank you for sharing your work! I love seeing these artworks online. People who post to Instagram or on Facebook will be eligible to win prizes (see details). No matter …
Between 1914 and 1917, Matisse made a series of 69 monotypes, the only monotypes of his career. Matisse created his black-and-white monotypes by covering a copper plate with black ink and then lightly and swiftly scratching into the pigment with a tool, so that the linework emerged through the dark ink ground. To transfer the …
Watch Acrylic Paint Colors Mix
Can you guess the color?
It’s just delicious fun to watch paint get mixed. Painters, notice how long it takes. It’s easy to get impatient with this part of the process when we’re painting, thinking the mix should instantly be mixed so you could get on with applying the next brush strokes, but really what good is the application of a color if it’s not the right one? Mixing the right color in the right consistency takes time.
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Vitreograph by David Dodge Lewis
Bee-Pin by David Dodge Lewis (1997). Vitreograph on paper, edition of 30. Photo courtesy of the Littleton Collection. Vitreography is a printmaking technique that uses a thick glass matrix instead of the traditional matrices of metal, wood or stone. Sound interesting? You can make your first vitreograph next week! VitreographyTuesdays 6-10pmStarts Sept 23REGISTER TODAY!
Today I’ll eat butter. Lots and lots of butter. And I’ll be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. -Ruthie From the poetry foundation: Butter BY ELIZABETH ALEXANDER My mother loves butter more than I do, more than anyone. She pulls chunks off the stick and eats it plain, explaining cream spun around into butter! Growing up we ate …
SAL Challenge: Typewriter
[image_with_animation image_url=”10097″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] William Kentridge Today is National Typewriter Day! Draw a typewriter. Materials are artist’s choice. Thank you to Bo Frank for telling me about National Typewriter Day. Thank you for sharing your work! I love seeing these artworks online. People who post to Instagram or on Facebook will be eligible to win prizes (see details). No matter …
Matisse’s Monoprints
Between 1914 and 1917, Matisse made a series of 69 monotypes, the only monotypes of his career. Matisse created his black-and-white monotypes by covering a copper plate with black ink and then lightly and swiftly scratching into the pigment with a tool, so that the linework emerged through the dark ink ground. To transfer the …