“The Colorist” CaseyKlahn is an American pastel artist born in 1958 in Hoquiam, Washington, now living in Davenport. His pastel landscapes are abstracted shapes where color gets to play.
Thursdays are vocabulary days for our 30 Day Challenge, and our inspiration for today comes from A Word A Day, by Anu Garg Scrooch PRONUNCIATION: (skrooch) MEANING:verb intr.: To crouch or huddle.verb tr.: To …
Hatching (making parallel marks) and crosshatching (making parallel marks overlapped with parallel marks) are some of the most valuable tools for adding value, contour, movement, energy, and texture to a …
[image_with_animation image_url=”9654″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] It’s said that Cézanne would plan a general composition, then step around and closer, moving his easel to each object to paint it with …
After the election I experienced a reality shift. It was something I found neither productive nor pleasant, but it happened. I’m not sure if it affected my pictures, or if it …
Casey Klahn
“The Colorist” Casey Klahn is an American pastel artist born in 1958 in Hoquiam, Washington, now living in Davenport. His pastel landscapes are abstracted shapes where color gets to play.
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Thursdays are vocabulary days for our 30 Day Challenge, and our inspiration for today comes from A Word A Day, by Anu Garg Scrooch PRONUNCIATION: (skrooch) MEANING:verb intr.: To crouch or huddle.verb tr.: To …
Day 16: Crosshatch #30SAL
Hatching (making parallel marks) and crosshatching (making parallel marks overlapped with parallel marks) are some of the most valuable tools for adding value, contour, movement, energy, and texture to a …
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[image_with_animation image_url=”9654″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] It’s said that Cézanne would plan a general composition, then step around and closer, moving his easel to each object to paint it with …
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After the election I experienced a reality shift. It was something I found neither productive nor pleasant, but it happened. I’m not sure if it affected my pictures, or if it …