As difficult as it is to get painters to apply enough paint, it’s even harder to get them to take it back off again, unless they’re trying to rub out a mistake. The “Lift Up” or “Wipe Out” method is not for obliterating mistakes, it’s a fast way to shape light and dark values on the canvas. The brush loaded with dark paint makes dark shapes, the “Lift” makes light shapes. See?
The technique is simple: Once the canvas has been covered with a solid layer of dark or medium-dark paint, a lintless cloth or brush can be used to bring back the white of the canvas. The cloth or brush can be dry, or it can be dipped in a bit of odorless mineral spirits (for oil paint) or water (for acrylic paint). This method of painting is similar to watercolor in that the white surface supplies the primary light source, and produces a fresh and glowing effect. The wipe up technique is easy in oils, but it can also be used with acrylics if you’re quick.
Experiment 1: The Wipe Up method is great for underpaintings if you’re starting with thin paint (like the video below), or “alla prima” – painted in one sitting – if you’re starting with thick paint (like mine above).
Experiment 2: This technique has a very different look on white gessoed panel vs white gessoed canvas. Try both surfaces, and see what you like better.
Pictured at the top of this post: My 15 minute demo; a fast study of a self portrait by Eugene Carrier, a Wipe Out champion. For this demo, I used a blue shop towel and then a little titanium white for highlights and solidity.
Video Below: A demo from Georgetown Atelier, in Seattle. This has nothing to do with anything.
[image_with_animation image_url=”7073″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Portraits of people looking the other way. Works by: Gerhard Richter Oscar-Claude Monet James Abbott McNeill Whistler Kathe Kollwitz Andrew Wyeth (2) [image_with_animation image_url=”7074″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”][image_with_animation image_url=”7076″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”][image_with_animation image_url=”7075″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”]” load_in_animation=”none
My silence these past few days has not been intentional. I lost my mojo. Art classes are on break, human contact is absent, the news that I thought was bad, got worse. I was at a loss for what to send you. Black artists. Black artists. More black artists. The last time there was racial …
A sneak preview of artworks for my upcoming show Ruthie V. Some Pretty Paintings A collection of figures and flowers in paintings and prints Show opens January 5, 2019 Show up through January 27th Artist Talk Saturday, January 5th (3:30-4:30pm) Opening Reception to follow (5-7pm) Smith & Vallee Gallery 5742 Gilkey Ave, Edison (360) 766-6230 Open Daily 11-5 …
One of the most exciting aspects of teaching is that I get to see what a variety of artists do with the ideas I bring. These ideas are gleaned directly from artists and artworks through history, and from artists teaching and making engaging work right now. This shared information functions as seeds for new artworks, …
The “Wipe Out” Method
As difficult as it is to get painters to apply enough paint, it’s even harder to get them to take it back off again, unless they’re trying to rub out a mistake. The “Lift Up” or “Wipe Out” method is not for obliterating mistakes, it’s a fast way to shape light and dark values on the canvas. The brush loaded with dark paint makes dark shapes, the “Lift” makes light shapes. See?
The technique is simple: Once the canvas has been covered with a solid layer of dark or medium-dark paint, a lintless cloth or brush can be used to bring back the white of the canvas. The cloth or brush can be dry, or it can be dipped in a bit of odorless mineral spirits (for oil paint) or water (for acrylic paint). This method of painting is similar to watercolor in that the white surface supplies the primary light source, and produces a fresh and glowing effect. The wipe up technique is easy in oils, but it can also be used with acrylics if you’re quick.
Experiment 1: The Wipe Up method is great for underpaintings if you’re starting with thin paint (like the video below), or “alla prima” – painted in one sitting – if you’re starting with thick paint (like mine above).
Experiment 2: This technique has a very different look on white gessoed panel vs white gessoed canvas. Try both surfaces, and see what you like better.
Suggested Product:
Blue Shop Towels (from any hardware store)
My 15 minute demo; a fast study of a self portrait by Eugene Carrier, a Wipe Out champion. For this demo, I used a blue shop towel and then a little titanium white for highlights and solidity.
Video Below:
A demo from Georgetown Atelier, in Seattle. This has nothing to do with anything.
Ruthie teaches art classes at Seattle Artist League. Click here to sign up for drawing, painting, pottery, and more!
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