V. Notes are daily–ish thoughts and ideas related to art.
I might post a series of pictures, a technique, an idea for a project, or some philosophical rambling. I try to make these emails relevant, but they’re not pre-planned, and they’re not perfect. They’re just thoughts in the moment, take ’em or leave ’em. Hopefully they’ll spark some thoughts and help get your artistic juices flowing.
Initially started as a way to give my students more information outside of class, V. Notes now has over 2,500 subscribers. If you meet another artist with connections to the League, V. Notes might be a way to spark an interesting conversation.
DRAWING FROM OBSERVATION I like to draw from observation. I like to study what I see, and experiment with how I see it. My goal is not realism, my goal is to find and discover. Every time I look at something, even something I’ve drawn before, I see things I didn’t see before, things I …
The surrealist movement was, in part, a reaction to fascism. As a student I assumed some of the surrealist art was motivated by political protest, a refusal to make sense or be pretty. Looking around today at a world I thought I understood, but now seems misshapen and horrifying, I think I understand why the …
I used to think drawing was something I had to learn so that I could to get to painting. Lately I’ve grown to enjoy drawing for its own expressive abilities. Drawing is a spontaneous and immediate art. It is a direct record of the movement of the artist’s hand, a record of movement in time. …
[image_with_animation image_url=”7362″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Sometimes I Google dumb things. For instance, I was wondering if I felt like doing a study of cloth in linocut. Instead of hanging a towel from a nail in the wall and lighting it, I armchaired my idea and Googled it. I was looking for pictures of hanging …
What are V. Notes?
Ruthie V.
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DRAWING FROM OBSERVATION I like to draw from observation. I like to study what I see, and experiment with how I see it. My goal is not realism, my goal is to find and discover. Every time I look at something, even something I’ve drawn before, I see things I didn’t see before, things I …
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The surrealist movement was, in part, a reaction to fascism. As a student I assumed some of the surrealist art was motivated by political protest, a refusal to make sense or be pretty. Looking around today at a world I thought I understood, but now seems misshapen and horrifying, I think I understand why the …
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I used to think drawing was something I had to learn so that I could to get to painting. Lately I’ve grown to enjoy drawing for its own expressive abilities. Drawing is a spontaneous and immediate art. It is a direct record of the movement of the artist’s hand, a record of movement in time. …
Winter Laundry
[image_with_animation image_url=”7362″ alignment=”” animation=”None” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”] Sometimes I Google dumb things. For instance, I was wondering if I felt like doing a study of cloth in linocut. Instead of hanging a towel from a nail in the wall and lighting it, I armchaired my idea and Googled it. I was looking for pictures of hanging …